
RP421 Mini Thermal Printer Instructions

Thank you for purchasing our BT Mini label printer!  We will show you how to install and set up the the label printer below, Please follow patiently.

Label Installation

ATTENTION:  Please Peel one sticker to check and make sure sticker side Face Up

Windows Installation

Download Windows driver HERE. And then follow the video to set up! 

Mac Computer Installation

Please download Mac driver HERE. And follow the video below to install. ( Right click your mouse to open the .pkg file with installer

Print Waybill label (Windows& Mac)

Download the sample air waybill to test print if you don’t have any airwaybill . 

Printing Settings for Shopee
Printing Settings for Lazada
Printing Settings for Qoo10
Printing Settings for Easy Parcel
Printing Settings for Ninja Van dashboard

Ninjia van dashboard air waybill is not optimized for label printer and need to modify before print. Solution: 

Download your airway bill pdf file in 1 bills per page format from Ninjia van dashboard and then Go to this link.  Upload you waybill and split one page to 2 pages. Download the new pdf file and print first page. 



 Download FREE label design software and follow the video below to install and use it 

This is one Paid label design software called Live Label, You can download and try Here


There is no free software currently.  If you want to design a label inclusive of text, shape, barcode and QR code, Please follow this video to use online platform Canva to design and it’s free.  

This is one more Paid label design software on Mac called Live Label, You can download and try Here